
Graduate Program

Master Program

The Master Program of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia was opened in 1992 with four study programs: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Metallurgy Engineering. In 2000, the faculty opened the Master Program for Chemical Engineering (from Gas Engineering Study Program in Metallurgy Engineering Department), Industrial Engineering (from Industrial Management Study Program in Mechanical Engineering Department) and Architecture.

By the end of the year, the Optoelectronic and Laser Application study program joined the Master Program of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia. Each Study Program in the Master Program is headed by a Head of Study Program held in ex-officio by the Head of Department. Each Department have one or more specialization to give a more in-depth and specific engineering knowledge to each student of said study program.

Academic load in the FTUI’s Master Program curriculum is 40-44 credits after finishing the undergraduate program. The scheduled length of study is four semesters and, in the implementation, the Master program can be completed in at least two semesters and a maximum of six semesters. Academic Load for each semester is set by the Academic counselor (PA) based on the IPS of the last semester as stated in the Semester Grade list (DNS).


Program Magister (S2)Peminatan
Teknik Sipil-
Teknik SipilManajemen Proyek
Teknik SipilManajemen Konstruksi
Teknik SipilManajemen Rekayasa Keselamatan Konstruksi
Teknik SipilManajemen Infrastruktur
Teknik SipilTransportasi
Teknik SipilStruktur
Teknik SipilManajemen Sumber Daya Air
Teknik SipilGeoteknik
Teknik Mesin-
Teknik MesinPerancangan dan Manufaktur
Teknik MesinKonversi dan Konservasi Energi
Teknik MesinSistem Manufaktur dan Otomasi
Teknik MesinTeknologi Keselamatan Kebakaran dan Bangunan
Teknik MesinTeknik Kendaraan Mutakhir
Teknik MesinSumber Daya dan Teknologi Maritim
Teknik Elektro-
Teknik ElektroManajemen Keamanan Jaringan Informasi
Teknik ElektroManajemen Ketenagalistrikan dan Energi
Teknik ElektroManajemen Telekomunikasi
Teknik ElektroElektronika dan Sistem Tertanam Cerdas
Teknik ElektroKeamanan Siber dan Internet Masa Depan
Teknik ElektroOtomasi dan Rekayasa Analisis Data
Teknik ElektroRekayasa Data dan Intelijensi Bisnis
Teknik ElektroTelekomunikasi dan Sistem Nirkabel Cerdas
Teknik ElektroTenaga Listrik dan Sistem Cerdas
Teknik Metalurgi dan Material-
Teknik Metalurgi dan MaterialMaterial
Teknik Metalurgi dan MaterialKorosi
Teknik Metalurgi dan MaterialManajemen Integritas Material
ArsitekturArsitektur & Sustainabilitas
ArsitekturPerancangan Arsitektur
ArsitekturPerancangan Perkotaan
ArsitekturPerumahan & Pemukiman Perkotaan
ArsitekturSejarah & Teori Arsitektur
Teknik KimiaTeknik Kimia
Teknik KimiaManajemen Gas
Teknik KimiaEnergi dan Proses Berkelanjutan
Teknik KimiaManajemen Keselamatan Proses
Teknik KimiaTeknologi Intensifikasi Proses
Teknik IndustriRekayasa Inovasi dan Desain
Teknik IndustriSistem Produksi dan Logistik
Teknik IndustriManajemen Industri
Teknik IndustriRekayasa Data dan Kualitas
Teknik IndustriDesain dan Manajemen Sistem
Teknologi BiomedisTeknologi Biomedis
Teknik LingkunganManajemen Kualitas Lingkungan
Teknik LingkunganTeknologi dan Rekayasa Kualitas Air
Magister InterdisiplinTeknik Sistem Energi
Magister InterdisiplinPerencanaan Wilayah dan Kota


Program StudiAkreditasi
Teknik SipilUnggul
Teknik MesinUnggul
Teknik ElektroUnggul
Terknik Metalurgi & MaterialA
Manajemen Integritas MaterialBaik
Teknik KimiaUnggul
Teknik IndustriUnggul
Teknik LingkunganBaik Sekali
Teknologi BiomedisB
Teknik Sistem EnergiBaik Sekali
Perencanaan Wilayah dan KotaBaik Sekali

Academic load in the FTUI’s Master Program curriculum is 40-44 credits after finishing the undergraduate program. The scheduled length of study is four semesters and, in the implementation, the Master program can be completed in at least two semesters and a maximum of six semesters. Academic Load for each semester is set by the Academic counselor (PA) based on the IPS of the last semester as stated in the Semester Grade list (DNS).


Doctoral Program

FTUI Doctoral program was officially opened in 2000 with the opening of the Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering Doctoral program followed by the emersion of the Opto-electrotechnique and Laser Application study program into the Postgraduate Program of FTUI. The Mechanical Engineering study program was officially opened in 2006 while the Metallurgy & Material Engineering and Chemical Engineering followed in 2007. And In 2009, respectively Department of Architecture opened the Architecture Doctoral Program. In 2011, the Opto-electrotechnique and Laser Application was closed and was emerged into the Electrical Engineering study program. Each Doctoral study program is headed by the Head of Study Program which is held ex-officio by the Head of Department in the Faculty of Engineering UI. The Doctoral study programs have one or more focus subjects to give a more specific knowledge on engineering field to all students of the program.


FTUI provides doctoral education programs in the following seven study programs:

  1. Civil Engineering
  2. Mechanical Engineering
  3. Electrical Engineering
  4. Metallurgy & Material Engineering
  5. Chemical Engineering
  6. Architecture
  7. Industrial Engineering


Program StudiAkreditasi
Teknik SipilUnggul
Teknik MesinUnggul
Teknik ElektroA
Terknik Metalurgi & MaterialUnggul
Teknik KimiaUnggul
Teknik IndustriUnggul


Postgraduate Admission

All courses in Graduate Program are delivered in the Indonesian language and all required documents are submitted online on the registration account.


Central Administration Building Universitas Indonesia,
Depok Campus, Depok. 16424. Indonesia.
Ph : (62-21) 78880139, 786 7222 ext. 100520
Email : io-ui@ui.ac.id


I-Cell Building 6th Floor, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia,
Depok Campus, Depok. 16424. Indonesia.
Ph: +62-811-9489-485 (WhatsApp)
Email: io.ftui@ui.ac.id