On Monday–Tuesday, March 28–29, 2022, HAKI (Association of Indonesian Construction Experts) and the Universitas Indonesia (UI) held The Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council (ACECC) The 42nd Executive Committee Meeting 2022. HAKI which is a member of The Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council (ACECC) had the opportunity to host the 42nd Executive Committee Meeting (ECM) agenda. This agenda is held every six months and is attended by 15 countries that are members of the ACECC, namely Australia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Taiwan, USA, and Vietnam.
“At today’s meeting, we will build engagement between Civil Engineers from many institutions both in Indonesia and abroad. I hope that at this meeting, all engineers and participants can share ideas that will be developed into collaboration in the fields of education, research, community, and professional recognition such as certification for various fields of Civil Engineering,” said Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST, M.Eng., Dean of FTUI.
The Executive Committee Meeting was held to discuss the progress and achievements made by each Technical Committee (TC) over the past six months. In this ECM agenda, discussions were held on the Technical Committee Coordination Meeting (TCCM), Planning Coordination Meeting (PCM), seminars organized by TC-14, and Technical Seminars from the Future Leaders Forum. TCCM is a form of one of the functions of ACECC, namely as a forum for Technical Committees who wish to conduct discussions on certain topics for cooperation between countries. Some of the discussions in TCCM, namely about Sustanability, Long Bridges, and Ethics in the Civil Engineering World.
The Planning Coordination Meeting was held to discuss the planning of what activities will be carried out by ACECC in the future. After that, if one of the TCs wants to hold a seminar, the ECM also functions to facilitate the seminar. In this ECM, TC-14 driven by ASCE/United States plans to hold a seminar on “Sustainable Infrastructure”. As a closing event, the final discussion was about a seminar held by the Future Leaders Forum, which is a forum containing young ACECC members (under 35 years). On this occasion, the Future Leaders Forum brought the topic of a seminar in the form of “Sustainability in Civil Engineering Practices from Around Asia”.
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia