In mid-2023, the University of Indonesia (UI) will again hold UI Open Days offline for all levels of educational programs at UI. This activity will be held on May 27-28 2023 at the Balairung for faculty open booths and at the UI Campus Convention Center Depok for international programs. UI Open Days are held to provide complete and accurate information to prospective students and the general public regarding the programs offered by UI, such as an introduction to facilities, study programs, student activities, and technical admissions of new students at UI.
UI University Secretary, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., said that this event was an opportunity for high school/equivalent students, parents, and teachers to dig up as much information about UI as possible. “Especially to teachers and school principals, we thank you for paying attention to this activity and for accompanying your sons/and mothers at a significant time in their lives in the future.”
“With the presence of FTUI in the UI Open Days 2023 series, it is hoped that it will become an opportunity and a forum for information for prospective students and the general public who are interested in educational programs at FTUI. Moreover, this year there have been several changes to entry routes that have the potential to spread confusing information,” said the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU on a separate occasion.
The UI Open Days 2023 series of activities include presentations and question and answer sessions with speakers, as well as consultations regarding major selection and future careers. This activity also provides a campus tour session using a yellow bus (bikun) which allows participants to go around the UI campus. In addition, booths were also available involving 1 vocational education program, 2 interdisciplinary schools, and 14 faculties including the UI Faculty of Engineering (FTUI).
The FTUI presentation session which took place on Sunday was explained by Tikka Anggraeni, S.Sos., M.Sc., CPR. as FTUI Public Communication and General Administration Manager and the FTUI international program session was hosted by Fadhilah Muslim, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., DIC as Secretary of the FTUI Education Modernization and Internationalization Unit. The participants’ enthusiasm for the program information offered by FTUI was evident from the full number of participant seats during the presentation session.
In his presentation, Tikka said, “All departments at the UI Faculty of Engineering are interconnected and everything we do at FTUI in the future is for the wider community and Indonesia. Based on data for 2022-2023, FTUI students have succeeded in making more than 200 achievements both on a national and international scale. Apart from excelling academically, we also encourage FTUI students to be able to actively contribute externally by applying the knowledge they have acquired on campus.”
The participants who attended the UI Open Days 2023 reached more than 13,600 participants who did not only come from the Greater Jakarta area and its surroundings but also from outside Java, such as the city of Medan. Information regarding new student admissions as well as educational program presentation materials at the UI Open Days 2023 can be accessed on the UI. id/admissions page.
Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia