It started with the idea of young engineers who were members of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) to President Soekarno to fix the protocol roads in Jakarta in preparation for the GANEFO National Sports Week. This idea was led by Ir. Slamet Bratanata, Ir. Roosseno, Ir. Sutami, Ir. Soehoed. Then at the lenso dancing event at the Pembangunan Building (Gedung Pola), an idea emerged to form an engineering faculty in Jakarta so that you didn’t have to go all the way to Bandung to study. At the beginning of its formation, Ir. Soekarno instructed that the Faculty of Engineering be under the auspices of the University of Indonesia with Chancellor Dr. Syarief Thayeb and appointed Prof. Ir. Roosseno as the first Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia.