On Wednesday (26/07), the Student Affairs, Research, and Community Service Unit of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a Sharing Session for graduate study scholarships at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) through the McDonnell International Scholars Academy. The event, which took place in the Smart Meeting Room (SMR) of the FTUI Deanate, was attended by fast-track students, masters, and young FTUI lecturers who are looking for S2-S3 scholarship opportunities.
McDonnell International Scholars Academy in collaboration with WUSTL is a scholarship program open to researchers from their university partners around the world. The scholarship program offers financial and academic support for graduate and professional studies within WUSTL. Scholars will not only receive tuition fees but also a monthly stipend, funds for research or travel, faculty mentorship for students, as well as cultural and leadership training useful for their personal and professional development.
This Sharing Session presented two inspiring speakers, namely Ghiska Ramahdita, a WUSTL student who has won a doctoral scholarship from the McDonnell International Scholars Academy, and Nur Aziz Octoviawan, a WUSTL student candidate who also received a doctoral scholarship from the McDonnell International Scholars Academy. Both are undergraduate graduates from the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering FTUI class of 2008.
Dr. rer. pol. Romadhani Ardi, S.T., M.T. as Manager of Student Affairs, Research and Community Service (KPPM) FTUI said, “I hope students and young lecturers who attend this activity can make the most of the opportunity to get information related to scholarship opportunities that will be delivered by Ghiska and Aziz.”
In this Sharing Session, Ghiska and Aziz gave a complete presentation on the various benefits that can be obtained from participating in the McDonnell scholarship program, especially in terms of the academic and campus environment that is very supportive of the development of their science and research.
“In the registration process, things like honesty, diligence, accuracy in compiling all the necessary documents and requirements, as well as having outstanding academic achievements during the previous study period can be an added value for applicants,” said Ghiska.
Furthermore, Aziz also provided valuable advice for prospective applicants for this scholarship, including improving academic grades during undergraduate or master’s level studies, accumulating research experience, being active in student activities, having leadership experience, and having a track record of work experience.
Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST, M.Eng, IPU, as the Dean of FTUI, expressed his appreciation for the Scholarship Sharing Session held by the FTUI KPPM Unit. “This activity is one of FTUI’s initiatives in providing support for students and lecturers to obtain information on higher study opportunities at the global level through various prestigious scholarship programs.”
With this Sharing Session, it is hoped that it can be a forum for participants to get a clear picture and accurate information to prepare themselves well and become strong candidates for a scholarship at Washington University in St. Louis through the McDonnell International Scholars Academy.
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia