
ILUNI FTUI Organizes Seminar on “Downstreaming: Resource-Based Industrialization towards Indonesia Emas 2045”

On Friday (15/12), the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (ILUNI FTUI), held a seminar titled “Downstreaming: Resource-Based Industrialization towards Indonesia Emas 2045” at the Smart Meeting Room, FTUI Dean’s Office Building, Depok. The seminar was moderated by Michael Gabriell Owen (Chairman of BEM FTUI) and featured several speakers, including Mr. Andi Rizaldi, ST, MM (Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia), Faisal Basri (Economic Observer, UI), and Dr. Deni Ferdian (Chair of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials FTUI). Representatives of the campaign teams (timses) for each of the three presidential candidates for 2024–2029 were also present to respond to the discussion.

The event was prompted by the early de-industrialization in Indonesia, marked by the declining contribution of the manufacturing industry to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Natural resources in Indonesia, such as nickel, copper, tin, and aluminium, fall under critical mineral criteria but contribute less value to the country due to de-industrialization. On the other hand, the competency of Human Resources (HR) and the absorption of labour in Indonesia, particularly in the field of science and engineering, are considered relatively low in resource-based industries, leading to a dependence on foreign technology. This situation is exacerbated by the low application of domestic innovations in the government’s downstream program.

Several key issues were discussed in this seminar, including the need to improve the quality of investment in sustainable resource-based industries, the slow technology transfer process, the lack of innovative products, and the inadequate alignment of HR development with resource-based industrial development. Andi Rizaldi, in his presentation, discussed the vision and strategy of downstream for Indonesia Emas 2045. On the other hand, Faisal Basri discussed how downstream should be done for the prosperity of the Indonesian nation. Finally, Deni Ferdian discussed how technology transfer is carried out in the smelter industry in Indonesia.

The presence of representatives from the presidential candidate campaign teams is expected to bridge the discussion results with the elected President in 2024. With the election of one of the candidates, it is hoped that they can implement downstream programs that have a greater positive impact.

At the end of the discussion, Tomy Suryatama presented five expectations (Panca Naraya) as recommendations from ILUNI FTUI regarding the downstream program. Panca Naraya is the result of discussions among experts in their fields, expected to be a concern for the 2024 presidential candidates. The contents of Panca Naraya are as follows:

  1. Develop and implement a competitive, fair, sustainable, and maximally beneficial action plan for resource-based industrialization for the prosperity of the people and the country.
  2. Strengthen institutions and better governance for sustainable resource-based industries.
  3. Build an integrated information system for resource-based industries.
  4. Strengthen the integrity and capacity of law enforcement authorities for more stringent, fair, and effective enforcement.
  5. Accelerate the technology transfer process and human resource development.

“We hope that with the holding of this seminar, participants will have a better understanding of the downstream concept and its role in achieving the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045. It can also serve as a forum for discussion on the development potential of the Natural Resources (SDA) sector in supporting industrial downstream in Indonesia. Additionally, building networks and collaborations between the government, industry, academia, and relevant stakeholders,” said Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., Dean of FTUI.


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Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia