
Institut Français d’Indonésie: Series of conferences Hommes, Territoires, Sociétés dedicated to Social Sciences

Institut Français d’Indonésie would like to wish you a Happy New Year 2019!

In the framework of the series of conferences Hommes, Territoires, Sociétés dedicated to Social Sciences, Institut Français d’Indonésie is pleased to invite you to attend the next lecture:

Wednesday January 16, 2019 at 5.30 pm:

Facing The Flood:
What We Can Do To Make
Jakarta More Resilient?

by Olivier Sevin, Professor of Geography, University of Paris IV

IFI, Jl M.H. Thamrin no 20, Jakarta 10350
For more information and reservation, please kindly visit: http://bit.ly/oliviersevin