
International Conference in Chemistry (IconPAC-2019)

International Conference in Chemistry (IconPAC-2019)
The Department of Chemistry, K L University, India, cordially invites you to join the “INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY – IconPAC 2019″, to be organized by K L University, Vijayawada, which will be held on March 8-9, 2019 at K L University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
IconPAC 2019 will provide an integral forum of international collaboration for leaders in trends of all branches of Chemistry, and offer further high quality, broad spectrum chemistry program with the intelligence realizations delivered through lectures/posters on new strategies and methodologies.
All accepted papers (after peer review) will be published in Scopus/SCI/UGC Listed/indexed journals. List of selected journals for publication of research article will be provided shortly.
We seek your fervent contribution and support for the success of INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY – IconPAC 2019. Kindly circulate the information in your University and motivate others also to participate in it.
Please find attached herewith the conference brochure and registration form with a request to disseminate the information of this conference among your colleagues/coworkers and encourage your students to participate actively in this event. Prizes will be given for best Poster and Oral presentations for research scholars.
Download Brochure from the link
Reply only to Email: iconpac19@kluniversity.in