
JICA and FTUI Conduct Personal Data Protection Management Training: Governance and Operations

Over five days, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), held a Personal Data Protection (PDP) Management training program at the i-CELL Building, FTUI. The training was conducted in two parts, with the first session held on November 11–13, 2024, and the second session on November 18–19, 2024. The program was attended by faculty members from the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Law. The training content covered compliance with Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Law and aligned with the National Work Competency Standards of Indonesia (SKKNI) for Governance Managers and Operational Managers. The sessions were led by Satriyo Wibowo, S.T., MBA, M.H., IPM, General Secretary of the Indonesia Cyber Security Forum.

The first part of the training focused on the Governance Manager role, covering responsibilities such as identifying the needs for policies, standards, and procedures related to PDP, updating existing governance frameworks, formulating new governance protocols, communicating and enforcing rules, drafting PDP policies, and selecting standards.

The second part focused on the Operational Manager role. The material covered ensuring processor program compliance, acting as a liaison for data processing-related issues, addressing risks associated with data processing considering its nature, scope, context, and purpose, engaging with institutions and data subjects, and performing all operational activities related to PDP.

This training was designed as a train-the-trainer program, aiming to enhance instructors’ ability to deliver effective training. It also sought to empower participants to handle and prevent incidents related to Personal Data Protection in their workplaces.

Prof. Kalamullah Ramli, a participant from FTUI’s Department of Electrical Engineering (DTE) and a member of the advisory board of idCARE.UI, highlighted the significance of PDP management, stating, “PDP management is crucial as mandated by law, requiring all institutions to comply. This training is also vital for idCARE because universities are at the forefront of preparing instructors for cybersecurity vigilance and resilience, including PDP management. We hope idCARE.UI can uphold this responsibility given the immense need in Indonesia.”

Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia