The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia has held an Open House Webinar KKI FTUI on Saturday, May 14, 2022. This event was held online through the zoom online meeting platform. The event was opened with remarks from the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU. and the Head of the FTUI Education Modernization and Internationalization Unit, Prof. Dr. Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng. In addition, this event also presented several speakers, namely the Head of the PMB UI Office, Dr. Gunawan, ST., MT., Manager of Public Communication and General Administration of FTUI, Tikka Anggraeni, S.Sos., M.Sc., CPR. and the Heads and Secretaries of Departments within the FTUI.
This year, FTUI has 96 new International Special Class undergraduate students who were accepted through the talent scouting selection route and still have 145 seats for the SIMAK UI selection path, plus 4 seats that did not re-register from the talent scouting selection path. “For the first batch of the KKI program through talent scouting, almost 90% of all accepted students have re-registered,” said Prof. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU.
Prof. Dr. Ir Harinaldi in his speech said, “We hope that from this activity, both the school, parents, and prospective students can understand well, especially the advantages and benefits that can be obtained when taking special international classes in existing undergraduate education programs. at the University of Indonesia, especially at the UI Faculty of Engineering.”
In the first session, presented information on general profile information of FTUI, such as a brief history, accreditation, including the achievements of FTUI by the Manager of Public Communication and General Administration of FTUI, Tikka Anggraeni, S.Sos., M.Sc., CPR. In his presentation he said “FTUI already has an assessment to ensure quality through several ISOs, these certifications guarantee that FTUI can provide the best service in terms of administration and education.”
The next presentation was about the Socialization of the New Student Admission System for S1 KKI in 2022 by the Head of the PMB UI Office, Dr. Gunawan, ST., MT. In his presentation, he revealed, “For the percentage of international class tightness, both in the Faculty of Engineering and other faculties except for medicine, the figure is still around 30%. It can be concluded that 3-4 registrants will compete for one seat.”
The second session, presentation of the profile of each department in the FTUI environment by the Heads and Secretary of the FTUI Department. The presentation was started by the Civil Engineering Department, then continued by the Mechanical Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Department, Metallurgical and Material Engineering Department, Architecture Department, Chemical Engineering Department and ended by the Industrial Engineering Department.
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia