The Autonomous Marine Vehicle Team of the Universitas Indonesia (AMV UI) won 2nd place in the 2022 National Unmanned Fast Boat Contest. In this competition, the AMV UI Team competed in the Performance and Prototype category of Autonomous Semi Submarine Drone Ships.Unmanned Fast Boat Contest (KKCTBN) ) 2022 is one of the agendas for design technology innovation competitions, prototype making, and prototype performance in the field of shipping and maritime technology.
The KCTBN Contest is a competition event for Indonesian students which is held annually by the Indonesian Talent Development Center, the National Achievement Center, and the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. This year the KKCTBN was held during the September–November 2022 competition period and the final stage of the series of competitions was held on November 11–15 2022.
The AMV UI team consists of 18 people, namely Abu Bakar Aakif Muhammad (Electrical Engineering 2020), Felix Yaman Kusuma (Electrical Engineering 2020), Gemilang Bagas Ramadhani (Computer Engineering 2020), Glene Felix (Actuarial Science 2020), Mahardika Adhi Prabowo (Engineering Electrical Engineering 2020), Muhammad Gavin Dirgantara (Electrical Engineering 2020), Rizky Rivaldi (Electrical Engineering 2020), Valerie Olive Suryono (Electrical Engineering 2020), Virdian Harun Prayoga (Computer Science 2020), Althaf Nafi Anwar (Computer Engineering 2021), Bhamakerti Mohammad Aydan (Mechanical Engineering 2021), Hafizhuddin Rasyid (Electrical Engineering 2021), Muhammad Daffa Nafis Shafwan (Shipping Engineering 2021), Rahmat Bryan Naufal (Computer Science 2021), Salman Hadi (Industrial Engineering), Steffi Natalie Paliyama (Electrical Engineering 2021), Umar Maulana (Electrical Engineering 2021), and Zaki Ananda (Computer Engineering 2021).
In this KCTBN contest, the AMV UI team designed a robot with an autonomous underwater vehicle type named Makara Perry. The naming is inspired by Makara Perry’s body color which is like Perry the Platypus. Makara Perry is designed to be operated autonomously or autonomously thanks to a design that integrates several components. The depth sensor functions so that the robot can determine the depth of the pool or terrain, Computer vision which is a Razer Kiyo X type camera functions as an image input for AUV with high resolution and frame rate so that AUV can perform image processing.
“In addition, we are also integrating a computing device of the Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX type, a mini-computer with a fast processing time that enables the Makara Perry AUV to perform tasks such as image processing, object recognition, and data aggregation in parallel. The thruster configuration used is four vertical thrusters arranged in such a way as to help ASSD perform heave and roll, while for the horizontal plane, ASSD uses thrusters and rudders to perform surge and yaw movements. Thus, the drone can maneuver at five degrees of freedom,” said Valerie.
The components are housed in 2 waterproof acrylic enclosures. The Makara Perry enclosure was specifically designed to accommodate the electrical components in the AUV designed by the AMV UI team which was carried out with the help of alumni, mentors, and also the AMV UI supervisor, Dr. Eng. Muhammad Arif Budiyanto, S.T., M.T., and Dr. Gerry Liston Putra, S.T., M.T. both of whom are lecturers in the FTUI Naval Architecture Study Program.
Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU expressed his appreciation for Makara Perry’s design. “The design of the robot with the AUV design is proof that UI students can innovate design technology innovations, manufacture prototypes, and prototype performance in the field of shipping and maritime technology. The achievements that AMV UI has achieved on the national level also prove that FTUI students are excellent and impactful students.”
Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia