On Wednesday (6/3), the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) received a visit from Mandiri Inhealth, a life and health insurance company with commercial health insurance for private companies, BUMN, and government institutions. Mr. Arman as a representative of Mandiri Inhealth socialized health insurance coverage for FTUI employees for the policy period January 1–December 31, 2022. In this event, 24 FTUI employees from various fields were also present.
“The main points of our discussion today are three, namely the benefits that FTUI gets, the service flow and mechanism, and what are the service obstacles in the field,” said Arman regarding the benefits provided by Mandiri Inhealth.
The Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU. welcomes the implementation of this insurance socialization. “FTUI education staff need to know what benefits they can get from this inhealth insurance. With this socialization, clear information can be obtained regarding the benefits of outpatient care, inpatient care, drug services, and other additional benefits.”
In outpatient and inpatient care, insurance owners will receive consultation, examination, and treatment services at a family doctor. In addition, Mandiri Inhealth also provides simple diagnostic supporting examinations and minor or minor medical actions. However, if follow-up action is required, this insurance may provide a referral letter to a specialist and referral services from a follow-up outpatient provider. The provision of drugs that refer to a doctor’s prescription and Inhealth drug formulary which is prepared by an Inhealth doctor can also be covered. For children aged 0 to 2 years, Mandiri Inhealth also covers basic immunizations, such as BCG, DPT, Measles, Polio, and Hepatitis B.
Not only that, if you are required to carry out further outpatient treatment, Mandiri Inhealth also provides consultation services that have received referrals, then consult with the designated specialist. Also, the provision of action, medical rehabilitation, drugs, and emergency measures. Inpatient services will also be accommodated by Mandiri Inhealth. Room accommodation is provided in accordance with the participant’s class rights listed on the insurance card. In addition, diagnostic support examinations, external referrals, drug administration, and incentive care in the ICU and ICCU according to medical indications are also still within the scope of services from Mandiri Inhealth.
“Regarding drug services covered by Mandiri Inhealth, drug services refer to the drug formulary of Inhealth Mandiri. In inpatient cases, drug administration refers to the inhealth drug formulary and hospital formulary. Prescription drugs must come from the provider and not at the provider’s pharmacy, prescriptions from outside the provider will not be served at the provider’s pharmacy. Prescribing drugs can be given with the provisions, drugs for ordinary or non-chronic diseases for a maximum of 5 days, for chronic ones a maximum of 30 days. Medicines for special diseases and cancer must be accompanied by protocol therapy,” said Arman.
Insured Mandiri Inhealth insurance will also get other additional benefits, such as childbirth until the third child, purchase of supplements in the form of glasses, dental prostheses, prosthetics, intraocular implants, hearing aids, and other treatments can be covered by the reimbursement method. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Mandiri Inhealth also covered COVID-19 treatment for its insurance users.
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia