

Hungary’s Balassi Summer University 2019

The new Balassi Summer University 2019 Call for Applications is waiting for  everyone who wish to learn Hungarian language and want to know more about Hungarian culture: in the 4-week programme intensive Hungarian language lessons are combined with lectures on Hungarian literature, history, geography, music, theatre,, folk and fine arts, etc. The Call for Application […]

TF Intl – NUS Youth Ecosperity Dialogue 2019

Join the movement for a sustainable Earth at Temasek Foundation International-NUS Youth Ecosperity Dialogue 2019 Make a difference in the world we live in. Be a part of the sustainability movement. Join us at the Temasek Foundation International-NUS Youth Ecosperity Dialogue from June 5 – 9 2019, and do your part to make Earth a more […]

‘DATA’19 II. Interdisciplinary Medical Research Congress

‘DATA’19 II. Interdisciplinary Medical Research Congress‘ held on 14-16th June,2019 at Karabük University in Turkey. The committee would like to invite those interested to participate as an audience as well as an oral presenter. It is dedicated to academics, practitioners, researchers and PhD students in the field of medicine, medical engineering, bio medical engineering and health sciences. […]

RWTH Aachen University – Summer Schools 2019

  RWTH International Academy is  glad to announce the 2019 Summer Schools at RWTH Aachen University. Every year, the Summer Schools was organized for students from all around the world. The programs are designed for undergraduate students of engineering or related subject areas, who want to experience German engineering and student life at one of Europe’s leading technical universities. […]

The 1st SEAMEO RIHED-JANU Seminar and Study Visit to Japan

Seize this unique and exclusive opportunity! Limited slots available, register now! SEAMEO RIHED and the Japan Association for National University (JANU) have the pleasure to invite you to join the 1st SEAMEO RIHED-JANU Seminar and Study Visit to Japan on 23-29 June 2019! With the theme on Technology Innovation and Social Engagement for Sustainable Development, the Seminar […]

Leeds International Summer School (LISS)

Are you looking for a short study abroad programme this summer? The early application deadline for Leeds International Summer School (LISS) is 1 April. LISS will run 6 July to 3 August 2019. If you are unable to attend for the full duration there is an opportunity to join the wider group for two weeks of […]

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Summer School 2019

International Summer School 2019 @ The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  It’s time for your students to explore Hong Kong and other Asian cities in coming Summer! PolyU International Summer School 2019 is now calling for application: Distinctive Features A mix of local and international experience with students from all over the world Diversified range of intellectually stimulating credit-bearing […]

Nagaoka Summer School for Young Engineers (NASSYE) 2019

Nagaoka Summer School for Young Engineers (NASSYE) 2019, Jepang. Program ini dibuka untuk mahasiswa Sarjana tingkat 3. Nagaoka University akan menerima 20 mahasiswa untuk mengikuti program tersebut dan beasiswa tersedia bagi mahasiswa yang terpilih. Deadline pendaftaran dan pengumpulan berkas adalah 5 April 2019. Prosedur aplikasi dan detail informasi: http://www.nagaokaut.ac.jp/e/kokusai/nassye.html Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi pihak Sekretariat di […]