

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: 2nd ILCAN Conference Series on Life Cycle Assessment

The 2nd ILCAN Conference Series on Life Cycle Assessment (ICSoLCA 2016) is co-organized by the Indonesian Life Cycle Assessment Network (ILCAN) with Department of Industrial Engineering Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), Indonesian Institute of Life Sciences (LIPI), and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Our theme this year is“Life Cycle Perspectives towards Sustainable Development”.    The Conference will be […]

2016 Generation of Keroncong

Who ever said that Keroncong Music is outdated music that can only be sung and enjoyed by old people? in fact, Keroncong music, has been around for decades and has flourished into a cool genre of music not only on the story of the independence struggle but also about the beauty of Indonesia. It is now the […]

FTUI Alumni Association Held a Short Course for EPC Professional Preparation

Saturday, 30 April 2016 became one of those inspiration day in broadening the knowledge horizon of the Faculty of Engineering’s member in term of professional world in Engineering Procurement & Construction-EPC. Participants filled out the Auditorium and diligently followed the discussion of the Implementation of Integrated System in EPC Industry Seminar with the FTUI Graduates currently […]

Open Registration TREC FTUI

Are you Renewable Generation? Do you want to be part of Sustainable Development? Now, TREC FTUI give you chance to be part of TREC Junior Fellows. TREC Junior Fellows are student research program and follow TREC programs, like seminar, workshop, international conference, field trip, and many sustainable energy research for Tropical Area. If you match […]

Paper Competition for Undergraduate Students from Tokyo Tech PPI

PPI Tokodai (Indonesia Student Association Tokyo Institute of Technology) will held a paper competition for students currently studying in Indonesia entitled “Tokyo Tech Indonesian Commitment Award (TICA) 2016”. This year the theme for the competition is “Sustainable Development. This competition was held as a form of support and appreciation to the research activities of students in Indonesia. This year, […]

FTUI Business Incubation Socialization

FTUI as one of the faculty in the Universitas Indonesia has produced numerous researches. These researches are also published in various research journals and national and international conferences. However these researches and innovations are seldom realized or produced in mass scale or even in industrial scale. The FTUI Business Incubator is aimed to develop universities’ […]

Bukapintu.co for Your Career Start-Up

Are you a student or fresh graduate looking forward to launch or advance your career?   presenting Bukapintu.co, a one-stop career solution for students and fresh graduates. At Bukapintu.co, you can:   1) Learn how to launch your career 2) Get a sneak peek to company culture 3) Browse and apply for the jobs you love, featuring […]