FTUI held an inauguration ceremony followed by a farewell to the Vice Deans of FTUI on Friday, January 21, 2022. The inauguration event was held online and led by the Rector of the Universitas Indonesia, while the farewell event was warm and relaxed, attended by the two Deans and their staff for the 2018-2022 and 2022-2026 periods. At the event, the position of goalkeeper in the fields of Resources, Venture and General Administration changed from Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nandy Putra to Prof. Ir. Mahmud Sudibandriyo, M.Sc., Ph.D.
In his speech, Prof. Mahmud shared his disbelief when he was first asked to become Deputy Dean by the Dean Heri Hermansyah. “At first I was a little hesitant when asked by Prof. Heri to become Vice Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration. At my age, do you think I will be able to do it? But thanks to the persistence of Prof. Heri, I’m finally ready. Even though I was enjoying the activities of having a new grandchild. But in order to answer Dean Heri’s great trust, I am willing to become Vice Dean.”
“After taking on the role of Vice Dean and studying all of my responsibilities, it turns out that the system at the Faculty of Engineering is extraordinary. The financial system and human resources system that have been set up. Both finance, public relations, ventures have been arranged so that it can run smoothly and easily. I am very grateful to the previous deans who have made such an orderly arrangement so that it will make it easier for us to move forward and be able to think more about further developments, “said Prof. Mahmud.
Prof. Ir. Mahmud Sudibandriyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. is a Professor in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. He is a graduate of Chemical Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology. He earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in Chemical Engineering from Oklahoma State University. He also briefly underwent a Post Graduate program at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Currently he is an assessor of several national and international accreditation programs such as BAN PT, LAM TEKNIK, BKD, AUN QA and IABEE and is also a reviewer of several international journals. Before being appointed as Deputy Dean, Prof. Mahmud serves as Chair of the Faculty’s Academic Senate.
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering