Alivanza Firdaus Rhufyano, Daffa Aqilah Sofiyan, and Hanif Rahman Arifin, students of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) won second place in the 2022 Industrial Challenge Institut Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). The Industrial Challenge is a kind of Industrial Engineering scientific competition held by the Association ITS Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering (HMTI) students. The competition which was held on July 14 was attended by 30 student teams from Indonesia, the Philippines, and India.
The participants were given questions and case studies related to Industrial Engineering science to solve. After going through the preliminary round, in the final stage participants were asked to complete business cases and present solutions to cases faced by logistics company Anteraja to help market penetration and supply chain.
Anteraja is a technology-based shipping and logistics service provider owned by PT Tri Adi Bersama. As a logistics company in Indonesia, Anteraja has expanded its coverage to all provinces in Indonesia, with a total delivery of 1 million packages per day. However, based on data sources, in this case, only 33% of Anteraja’s customers come from outside Java. Anteraja can increase growth by increasing the use of Anteraja to increase market share and profitability in areas outside Java.
“In answering the problems faced by Anteraja, we conducted an analysis of potential areas outside Java for Anteraja. The criteria used to select the most potential provinces are based on internet penetration, the number of E-Commerce, and regional economic growth. The results of the analysis found three potential areas, namely East Kalimantan, North Sumatra, and South Sulawesi,” said Alivanza, the team leader.
From the selected area there are two general problems, namely the delivery time for inter-island shipments is still relatively long, around 2–5 days and shipping outside Java will cause high shipping costs. These problems can be solved by speeding up delivery times and making shipping costs cheaper. “We offer three solutions to solve the problems they face. Promotions, the Just Together Method, and Scheduled Delivery of Goods to solve this problem,” said Alivanza.
The first solution, is promotions are carried out by providing price discounts where Anteraja AI will consider distance, item value, customer loyalty, and other factors to determine the discount amount. The second solution is the Bareng-in Aja method. Shipping costs outside Java Island are expensive because they are sent one package at a time. Bareng-in Aja will combine customers who want to send goods to a common destination. With this system, the shipping costs will be cheaper. Finally, we offer a solution in the form of the scheduled goods delivery. As long as the items are scheduled, all items will be shipped together on the scheduled date and reduce shipping costs.
“Indonesia’s logistics chain problems are indeed unique. With more than 17 thousand islands, Indonesia needs bright ideas to solve the problems faced by the logistics industry in distributing goods throughout Indonesia. Hopefully, with the strategies presented by these three students, the logistics company Anteraja can expand its service range and provide the best service for various regions of Indonesia,” said the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng, IPU.
Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia