
Providing Solutions to Eliminate Poverty Through Implementing SDGs Points, DTI FTUI Students Win Airnology Data-Driven Analytics Competition 2022

The team from the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (DTI FTUI) won second place in the Airnology Data-Driven Analytics Competition organized by the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline Airlangga University. The team was named GeKa Society consisting of Allendra Amala Haqqi (DTI 2020 ), Arif Furqan Wantuah (DTI 2020), and Jalaludin Shofa Mufti (DTI 2020).

Airnology Data-Driven Analytics Competition is a competition held to increase public awareness regarding the importance of using data in public services. In this competition, the GeKa Society team analyzed the influence of the number of tourists on regional income and its impact on poverty.

“Tourism is a sector that is a source of income for many regions in the world. Tourists visiting an area can have a positive impact on the local economy, such as increasing regional income and reducing poverty levels. However, an increase in the number of tourists can also have negative impacts, such as environmental pollution and damage to local culture. Therefore, it is important to know the effect of the number of tourists on regional income and its impact on poverty.” he said.

This study aims to analyze the relationship between the number of tourists and regional income and its impact on poverty levels using the regression method on West Java tourism data. The regression method is used to determine the relationship between the independent variables (number of tourist objects and tourist accommodations) and the dependent variable (regional income). Statistically, the number of visitors to tourist attractions and the number of tourism visitors have a significant effect on regional income in West Java with a correlation value of 0.76 and 0.58 respectively. There is one area, namely West Bandung which has a high number of tourist attraction visitors but the number of accommodation visitors is small which implies that tourists only visit the area briefly.

After conducting the regression test it is proven that regional income is influenced by the number of tourist objects and tourist accommodations. With the right strategy, the tourism sector can increase regional income and become a potential for increasing tourist areas. In addition, it can also increase the need for labour in each region so that unemployment and poverty rates can decrease.

This research is also a form of implementing the SDGs in the context of implementing the 2030 agenda for sustainable development based on human rights and equality to encourage social, economic and environmental development for all citizens of the world. The main point of the SDGs in this study is point number 1 eliminating poverty.

Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU expressed his appreciation for the achievements of these FTUI students. “The analysis provided by DTI FTUI students is very rational to have a real impact on increasing regional income, supporting many tourist areas, and reducing the poverty rate which is in line with the SDGs points. Hopefully, the analysis provided can be of benefit to others.”


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia