
Ramadan Blessings: FTUI Faculty Shares Goodness in ‘GRADASI 2024’

The Forum for Islamic Studies Brotherhood (FUSI), supported by the FTUI Deanery, FTUI Alumni Association (ILUNI FTUI), Zakat Sukses, BIMAN Foundation, and Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), organizing the “Engineering Cares for Others” event, which is the culmination of the Islamic Propagation Ramadan Chant (GRADASI) 2024 with the theme “Miniature Madinah Al Munawaroh”. This event served as a platform for FTUI’s compassion and symbolized the blessings of the Ramadan month, including assisting FTUI employees and vendors, as well as orphans from various foundations.

In his opening speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU., welcomed this activity as a manifestation of FTUI’s concern and the spirit of Ramadan blessings. He urged all participants to make the fasting month a moment of transformation and change, like a caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly, rather than merely shedding its skin like a snake. The Dean also prayed for orphaned children who would one day become FTUI students. The total assistance collected included 336 food packages for employees and canteen vendors, 205 packages for orphans from donations, and 40 packages from BSI. The event was attended by around 500 people, including orphans, vendors, employees, alumni, professors, and students. The total donations amounted to Rp108,869,735.01, benefiting 360 orphans with assistance packages and 346 food packages for employees, vendors, and residents.

Muhammad Wildan, a student of Electrical Engineering (2023) and also the Chairman of the GRADASI 2024 X ILUNI FTUI Committee, stated, “We and all stakeholders who contributed to the success of this event agree that this fellowship and goodness should be maintained until the aspirations of our younger siblings are achieved, advocating for the welfare of their education and the welfare of the local community. It brings its happiness that cannot be compared to anything else, optimizing the benefits for others in this blessed month.”


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia