
Seminar “Environmental Warrior 101”, Collaboration between FTUI, CAC ILUNI UI, and BEM FTUI

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Indonesia (FTUI) collaborated with the Collaborative Action Center (CAC) of ILUNI UI and the Student Executive Board (BEM) of FTUI to organize a seminar titled “Environmental Warrior 101” on Wednesday (13/12). Held in the Makara 04 Smart Meeting Room at FTUI, this collaborative effort aimed to educate new students about the importance of proper waste management and environmental friendliness.

The seminar was opened by Ir. Iwan Budisusanto, an alumnus of the Gas and Petrochemical Engineering Department at FTUI and the Project Coordinator of PT Tibis Sinergi. “Environment Warriors is a collaborative program between FTUI, CAC ILUNI UI, and BEM FTUI. Each year, Environment Warriors will mentor 4-5 new students from each department in environmentally friendly waste management. The selected students will receive direct guidance from experienced UI alumni in the environmental field with the hope of realizing UI Zero Waste,” said Iwan.

The seminar’s speaker, Dra. Tika Bisono, MPsiT., Psi, Managing Director of PT Tibis Sinergi, highlighted the lack of awareness among the Indonesian public regarding waste management. “I am easily disturbed by the garbage around me, so I was motivated to collect that waste. Some people still consider it normal to see scattered trash. This is also supported by the lack of strict public policies regarding littering,” stated Tika.

Furthermore, Tika emphasized the crucial role of engineers in supporting environmental management efforts. For example, in mountainous areas, there are still many water pipes built without adhering to regulations related to water resource usage. The involvement of engineers can help address similar issues and provide sustainable solutions.

“The collaborative initiative of various parties in organizing this seminar is expected to provide education on waste management and the role of engineers in the environment. FTUI will continue to encourage and support activities like this to prepare students to become change agents contributing to sustainable development,” said FTUI Dean, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU.

With a strong collaboration between academics, alumni, and students, it is hoped that the Environment Warriors program can integrate social and environmental responsibility into higher education. Through this collective effort, FTUI aims to produce graduates who are not only proficient in engineering but also care about the social and environmental impacts of their work.


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia