
Strengthening Academic Bonds: FTUI Senate Welcomes Visits from Hasanuddin University and Tidar University Engineering Faculties

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), warmly received a visit from the Senate Teams of the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) in Makassar, and the Faculty of Engineering, Tidar University, Magelang. The meeting took place at the Makara Smart Meeting Room, FTUI Dean’s Office Building, on Wednesday (13/12/2023). The visit was hosted by the Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng., M.Sc., the Chair of FTUI Senate, Prof. Dr. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, S.T., M.Sc., and SAF Secretary, Prof. Dr. Yudan Whulanza, S.T., M.Sc., along with the members of the FTUI Senate.

Expressing gratitude for the visit, Prof. Yanuar said, “Thank you for your visit; we hope that the friendship between FTUI FT UNHAS and UNTIDAR will continue to grow in the future. This activity is expected to provide benefits and enhance the implementation of the functions of the Faculty Senate (SAF) in helping realize the visions and missions of our respective institutions.”

The purpose of this visit was to share information and experiences related to the implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the Faculty Senate, especially in the areas of Education, Research, Community Service, and Cooperation, both with industries and academically. In his presentation, Prof. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, the Chair of the FTUI Senate, explained that the Faculty Senate (SAF) at FTUI is an organizational body that formulates policies, gives considerations, and oversees the implementation of academic activities at the faculty level.

“The SAF is the executor of academic supervision at the faculty level. As a legislative body, SAF consistently synergizes and collaborates with the Dean’s leadership at FTUI as the Executive body of the Faculty. We at SAF respond to the vision of ‘Outstanding and Impactful FTUI’ from the Dean of FTUI with the motto ‘Adaptive, Anticipative, and Contributive in facing future challenges.’ This reflects the responsibilities that SAF must fulfil today,” explained Prof. Kemas.

Prof. Salama Manjang, the Chair of the Senate Team from UNHAS, expressed gratitude for the warm reception by the FTUI Senate. “We are very thankful for the willingness of the leaders and members of the FTUI academic senate to accept this visit. We are currently conducting a study on the opening of new study programs due to the increasing needs of society. Additionally, there are considerations from the government. Therefore, we want to learn from FTUI’s experience in opening new study programs.”

Furthermore, Ir. Nurhadi, S.T., M.T., IPM, the Chair of the Tidar University Senate, stated, “Our visit to FTUI is not intended for benchmarking but rather to ‘copy.’ We are compared to FTUI, which is quite advanced compared to us. So, on this occasion, we want to learn as much as possible from FTUI so that the results we obtain here can be applied on our campus.”

In a separate statement, FTUI Dean, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, mentioned, “This activity is a valuable opportunity to strengthen the brotherhood between academic institutions. Collaboration and the exchange of knowledge between universities, as efforts to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia, are crucial. The exchange of experiences and understanding between these institutions is expected to provide a positive contribution to the development of education, research, and community service in the field of engineering. This spirit of collaboration also reflects a shared commitment to supporting the vision and mission of developing science and technology at the national level.”

The FTUI Senate team present at this meeting included the Chair of SAF, Prof. Dr. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, S.T., M.Sc; SAF Secretary, Prof. Dr. Yudan Whulanza, S.T., M.Sc; SAF Members, Prof. Ir. Widjojo Adi Prakoso, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Dr. Ir. Yuliusman, M.Eng.; Prof. Dr. Ir. Rini Riastuti, M.Sc; and Dr. Ir. Achmad Hery Fuad, M.Eng.

The Senate Team from UNHAS included Prof. Dr. Ir. Salama Manjang, MT (Chair of UNHAS Senate); Prof. Dr. Ing. H. M. Yamin Jinca, MSTr; Prof. Dr. Ir. Sakti Adji Adisasmita, M.Eng.Sc.PhD; Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafruddin Syarif, MT, Subair Samad, SE; and Dirham, S.Pd. Meanwhile, from Tidar University, the team included Ir. Nurhadi, S.T., M.T., IPM; Agung Trihasto, S.T., M.Eng.; Prof. Dr. Ir. Suyitno, S.T., M.Sc., IPM.; Prof. Dr. Ir. Gito Sugiyanto, S.T., M.T., IPM. ASEAN Eng.; Dr. Ir. Sigit Iswahyudi, S.T., M.T.; Xander Salahudin, S.T.M,Eng.; M. Anis Rakhmawati, S.T., M.T., IPM.; Ir. Bagus Fatkhurrozi, S.T., M.T.. IPM.; Ir. Trisma Jaya Saputra, S.T., M.T.; Ir. Herlita Prawenti, S.T.M.T.; Rheza Ari Wibowo, S.Si., M.Eng.; Ir. Fuad Hilmy, ST., M.T., IPP.; Ir. Dwi Sat Agus Yuwono, M.T.; Ir. Nila Nurlina, S.T., M.T.; Anisa Dewi Prajanti, S.Kom., M.T. and Sigit, S.T.


Office of Communication and Public Relations
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia