Three students of the 2020 Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) won 1st place in the Asean Youth Community for Household Hazardous Infographic Competition 2022. This team consists of Brily Najmussabah, Fakhira Nur Ramadhani, and Miftahul Jannah Arrahmah. Brily and the team managed to beat more than 20 other teams that took part in this competition.
This competition is one of a series of ASEAN Youth Community for Household Hazardous Waste (AYCHW). The Infographic Competition organized by AYCHW requires participants to create an infographic with the theme of Hazardous Waste. The judging criteria are based on the jury and voting. In participating in this competition, Brily and the team focused on their infographic regarding the Impact of E-Waste on Human Health, with the title of their infographic work, namely The Health’s Emergency of Current and Future Habitant Prognostic. The issue of E-Waste was chosen by Brily and the team because currently the condition of E-Waste which is hazardous or toxic material waste is increasing every year and causing adverse effects, especially for human health.
“We want to show that E-Waste is projected to increase every year because of the use of electronics every few months. In this infographic, we also state that E-Waste management should not be done haphazardly, because if done carelessly it will have a negative impact, especially on human health,” said Brily.
As a solution, Brily and the team provide an option called E-Waste Management, which is a waste management system that is carried out with 3R, namely Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. Seeing the development of the adverse effects of electronic waste requires electronic waste management which of course must be a concern for the environment in Indonesia because if left unchecked it will be large and bad for human health which also leads to the emergence of various diseases.
Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Hery Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., expressed his appreciation for these FTUI students. “This infographic on E-Waste which focuses on good electronic waste management procedures to prevent various adverse effects on human health is proof that FTUI students support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 11 (sustainable cities and settlements) and point 12. (responsible consumption and production) for the realization of the development and safety of the earth. We hope that this infographic will be of use to others, especially the safety of the earth.”
Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia