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The 18th Metallurgy and Materials Week (MnMs’ Week) is an annual event organized by the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (DTMM FTUI). The event runs from July to November 2023. The theme this time was “Sustainability in the Downstream of Minerals Resource Processing Industry” with the scope of the themes Zero Waste, Secondary Resources, Circular Economy, Green Industry, Green Energy, and Digitalization of Industry 4.0.
This theme was raised based on the urgency of making downstream efforts in the metal mineral processing industry to increase national income and economy. In addition, metal minerals are limited and non-renewable natural resources so their management must be carried out optimally and sustainably for the greatest welfare and prosperity of the people, following the mandate of the constitution. MnMs’ Week activities are divided into several parts, namely Case Study Competition, Student Innovation Forum, and MnMs’ Summit.
The first part is the Case Study Competition, which aims to develop problem-solving skills among students. In the Case Study Competition, participants will formulate their best solution related to the case given by the collaborator company. This year’s Case Study Competition carries the theme “Achieving the Sustainability of the Downstream Industry Through Innovation in Extractive Metallurgy”. The scope of problems distributed to participants relates to several topics, including Green Energy, Efficiency in the Extraction Process, and Waste Treatment.
One of the teams from Universitas Indonesia that made it to the final round was the Three Musketeers Team. Their title was “Greenation the Red: Utilization of Red Mud as Carbon Dioxide Absorbent Material and Bricks as Green Technology Concept in Bauxite Processing Industry”. In working on this topic, they collaborated with Mind ID. They discussed the processing of bauxite production waste, namely red mud, into something that can be reused. The final round presentation was held on Thursday (16/11) in room X.504, i-CELL Building, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia.
The second part is the Student Innovation Forum, where the committee will provide statements related to metallurgy and materials issues according to a predetermined theme, then participants will act as delegates who will bring innovative ideas as a follow-up to the issue statement. This year’s Student Innovation Forum carries the theme “Shaping Sustainability for Downstream Metals Mineral Resources Processing Industry” with sub-themes Clean Energy Integration, Utilization of Secondary Resources, and Digitalization and Automation.
The Doa Ibu team is a team from the University of Indonesia that successfully advanced to the discussion stage with the panellists. In their presentation, the team provided a solution for the nickel mining process to reduce negative impacts on the environment. The solution they offered was NICLECO, a nickel factory that offers several advantages. These include an Eco-Industrial Park, land recovery, good waste management, industrial symbiosis, and energy conversion and qualified natural resources. The panellists who joined the forum included Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bambang Suharno (FTUI DTMM Lecturer), Dr.-Ing. Alfian Ferdiansyah Madsuha, S.T., M.T. (FTUI DTMM Lecturer), and Achmad Taufiq Shidqi, S.T.. The discussion phase was held on Friday (17/11) in room X.504, i-CELL Building, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia.
The last part, which is also the culminating event in the MnMs’ Week series is the MnMs’ Summit, which consists of two main events, namely the National Seminar and MnMs’ Dialogue. The MnMs’ Summit was held on Saturday (18/11) at Purnomo Assembly Hall, University of Indonesia. The National Seminar presented speakers who are experts and experienced in fields related to the topic of the seminar. The National Seminar consisted of 3 sessions with different topics, where each session was filled by one speaker. The three topics were “Mineral Downstream Sector: Powering the Nation’s Economy”, “Optimizing Green Products for Achieving Sustainable Industry in Mineral Processing”, and “Exploring Sustainable Solutions: Achieving Zero Waste in Mineral Industry by Utilizing Secondary Resources”.
The speakers included Bahlil Lahadalia, S.E., M.Si. (Minister of Investment of the Republic of Indonesia) represented by Hasyim, S.STP., M.Si (Director of Mineral and Coal Downstreaming – Ministry of Investment/BPKM RI), Ir. Dilo Seno Widagdo, M.M. (Director of Portfolio and Business Development MIND ID) represented by Ir. Donny Zulfakar, S.T., MBA (Head of Project Management Office – PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (MIN ID)), and Ir. Rizal Kasli, S.T., IPM, MAusIMM (Chairman of Indonesian Mining Experts Association (PERHAPI)) represented by Rulan Dinary, S.T. (Member of Hydrometallurgy Working Group at Indonesian Mining Experts Association (PERHAPI)). The event was moderated by Irsan Bagas, S.T. (Civil Servant of the Ministry of Industry).
MnMs’ Dialogue is a panel discussion held after the National Seminar. MnMs’ Dialogue discusses Indonesia’s readiness to face downstream from three perspectives, namely the government as a regulator, academics as technology experts, and company practitioners as subjects of field operations. The topic raised at MnMs’ Dialogue was “Sustainable Practice in Mineral Downstreaming: Balancing Environment and Economic Development”. The event featured a keynote speech by Ir. Arifin Tasrif (Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia) represented by Prof. Dr. Or. Irwandy Arif, M.Sc. (Special Staff of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia) and moderated by D.Sc. (Tech.) Imam Santoso, S.T., M.Phil. (Lecturer in Metallurgical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung).
Several speakers were also involved in the MnMs’ Dialogue. Among them are Dr. Ir. Taufiek Bawazier, M.Si (Director General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment, and Electronics Industry) represented by Andi Rizaldi, S.T., M.M. (Head of Industrial Services Standardization and Policy Agency), Bambang Patijaya, S.E., M.M. (Member of the House of Representatives Commission VII), Danny Praditya, S.T, M.T (President Director of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium) represented by Melati Sarnita, S.T., MBA (Director of Business Development of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum), Moh. Iqbal Al Farobi (Director of Process Plant of PT Vale Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Ratno Nuryadi, M.Eng (Head of Nanotechnology and Materials Research Organization of BRIN), and Prof. Dr. Ir. Johny Wahyuadi M. Soedarsono, DEA (Lecturer of DTMM FTUI). The panellists who participated included Faisal H. Basri, S.E., M.A. (Senior Economist, Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF)) and Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Sri Harjanto (DTMM FTUI Lecturer).
The Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, said, “The 18th Metallurgy and Materials Week activity is a place to improve industrial downstream to support and manage commodities from the industrial sector to optimize high-value products which of course can improve the national economy. My hope is of course that this activity can improve sustainability and welfare that has an impact on the people of Indonesia “.
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Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia