
The Dean of FTUI Strengthens Cooperation in IT Professional Certification with NIIT India which Has Been Established for Two Decades

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) and NIIT India have collaborated since 2002. The collaboration established through the CEP CCIT FTUI business unit focuses on information technology and computers.To strengthen this collaboration, on April 27-29 2023, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU and Director of CEP CCIT FTUI, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Suryanegara, S.T., M.Sc., IPU visited the NIIT Head Quarter in New Delhi, India and the NIIT University campus.

Apart from strengthening the 20-year relationship between CEP-CCIT FTUI and NIIT India, this visit also aims to explore opportunities for wider cooperation in the future. Currently, CEP CCIT FTUI and NIIT India have professional certification programs in the field of IT software development. Going forward, the new direction of cooperation is the development of programs in the fields of IT Security and IT Risk Management. Apart from that, opportunities for cooperation in student summer courses with NIIT University are also discussed for CEP CCIT and FTUI students.

“The collaboration between CEP CCIT FTUI and NIIT has started since 2002. So far, both parties have worked together in developing international certification curricula. This collaboration has provided significant benefits for students who have the opportunity to learn directly from NIIT-certified instructors and develop skills relevant to market needs. Graduates of CEP CCIT FTUI with this international certification are equivalent to level 5 of the KKNI Occupational Programmer, apart from that international NIIT certification is also held by NIIT in 30 countries around the world,” said Prof. Heri.

During the visit, Prof. Hari and Prof. Surya were received directly by Sanjay Tickoo Vice President & Head of Business Operations, International Education Business, NIIT Ltd. At the ongoing meetings, they discussed the latest developments in the IT industry, the latest technology trends, and the challenges faced by graduates in facing a competitive job market.

“Alhamdulillah, at this meeting both parties agreed to deepen their cooperation through several initiatives. First, it will expand the joint curriculum program to accommodate the growing industry needs. In the future, these programs will be designed by involving industry practitioners in curriculum development, so that students can acquire knowledge and skills that are relevant to current needs,” explained Prof. Sun.

Founded in 2002, CEP-CCIT is a fully flexible Universitas Indonesia Community Service Special Unit (UKK PPM) that consistently organizes training programs and furthers professional education in the field of Information Technology (IT), engineering and its support systems. This program is offered for SMA/SMK graduates where they will be equipped with work-ready competencies and international certificates.

CEP CCIT graduates can also get an undergraduate degree through collaborative programs including the Jakarta State Polytechnic, Asia e University Malaysia and several other campuses at home and abroad. In 2023, 2 excellent programs are being offered, namely Information Technology and Creative Multimedia. Currently, CEP CCIT is still opening registration through the website https://ccit.eng.ui.ac.id/penerimaan-siswa-baru/.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia