Universitas Indonesia (UI) has collaborated with IPB University and Universitas Trisakti, as well as international institutions Heritage Hands-On and Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, the Netherlands (RCE), to publish a book titled Unveiling the Potential of Depok Lama’s Historic Assets. This book, the result of the workshop “Rapid Scanning Method for Historic Urban Landscapes with a Case Study of Depok Lama,” was published by UI Publishing in 2025.
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UI, Prof. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., representing UI in the project, stated that Depok Lama is an integral part of the city’s history, possessing high architectural and cultural value. Therefore, Depok Lama must be preserved and sustainably developed to become a historic landmark that strengthens the city’s identity and provides economic benefits through cultural tourism.
“To establish a consistent, tangible and intangible urban structure, the vision and principles derived from the workshop need to be implemented through cooperation among all stakeholders. This ensures the strategies and plans align with the established vision and principles. Consequently, activities in the area will complement each other and improve in quality, allowing Depok Lama to become a valuable asset for the city of Depok,” said Prof. Kemas.
The book’s writing process involved a team consisting of workshop participants and facilitators, including Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi, Vera D. Damayanti, Hasti Tarekat, Melana Effendi, Erisca Febriani, Sumaiyah Fitriandini, Arfianty Hutuba, Erna Meutia, Andhi Seto Prasetyo, Jacqueline Rosbergen, Luki Safriana, Daffa Shiddiq, Peter Timmer, Mukti Teguh Wijaya, and Punto Wijayanto.
Prof. Kemas and his team examined the historic assets of Depok Lama that have the potential for development. The review is presented in both Indonesian and English using the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Quick Scan Method. It begins with a discussion of historical aspects, an overview of the city of Depok—such as its layout and typology—and concludes with proposals for future perspectives.
The Mayor of Depok for the 2019–2024 period, Dr. KH. Mohammad Idris, M.A., stated that the Depok City Government recognizes the city’s historical value as an essential asset that must be preserved. “We believe that the historical values embedded in Depok’s urban landscape should benefit the people of Depok. We hope the workshop results can serve as an example for other city governments in managing their historic urban landscapes,” said Dr. Idris.
Depok Lama still retains historic landscape elements that can inspire the development of a modern city. According to Vera D. Damayanti from IPB University, restoration and preservation approaches must consider the authenticity of local architecture and historic landscape structures to maintain their unique character while allowing room for innovation relevant to contemporary urban needs.
The workshop in Depok Lama resulted in several inspiring proposals for potential development in the area. Representatives from RCE, Peter Timmer and Jacqueline Rosbergen, remarked, “These results may not provide a final solution, but they mark the first step in creating an integrated approach guided by cultural heritage, community-based initiatives, and a vision for the future of Depok Lama.”
To this day, Depok Lama is still recognized for its architectural elements and urban features. However, Punto Wijoyanto from Universitas Trisakti observed that these elements gradually disappear due to damage and a severe lack of coherence, preventing the area from being perceived as a cohesive urban entity.
Therefore, the success of preserving and developing Depok Lama as a historic asset relies heavily on active community involvement. Hasti Tarekat from Heritage Hands-On emphasized the importance of engaging local communities in preservation efforts to foster a sense of ownership and create stronger collaboration to keep cultural heritage alive and relevant.
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Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia