Alifya A. Khairany (FTUI ’18), Fikui Siami (FMIPA UI ’17), and Yohannes Maruli (ITS ’20) participated in the International Youth Summit of Renewable Energy (IYSRE). At this conference, the three students compiled a scientific article entitled “Market and Financial Scheme Analysis of Photovoltaic Solar House System Based in Payback Period from Existing Business Models in Jakarta, Indonesia”. This scientific article was prepared by a mentor who is an expert in his field, namely a student Master’s program in Germany, Timothy Mintargo. Thanks to in-depth research on the topic of installing solar systems at home, finally on October 5, 2021, Alifya and his team managed to get the Best Paper title and succeeded in making the name of the alma mater and Indonesia famous in the international arena.
Alifya and the team tried to take advantage of the great potential that Indonesia has in the field of solar energy. This potential has even been supported by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia with a target of installing solar power of up to 6.4 GWp by 2025. The research that Alifya and the team compiled aims to provide an overview for the community regarding the installation of solar systems at home, as well as the benefits that the community will get , both in terms of financial and business terms. This can help increase the use of solar energy when the community first knows the benefits they will get after the installation of the system.
“We analyzed the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). and the Payback Period in this paper. Calculations are carried out by searching for data, calculating electrical loads and daily Photovoltaic (PV) production, to making excel models for financial schemes. We also held discussions and interviews with 3 people from EPC and Developers for Solar Panels in Indonesia,” said Alifya.
After various preparations and research were carried out during June—August 2021, Alifya and his team advanced to the presentation stage on August 27, 2021. They presented their research results at Symposiums 1 and 2 with the theme “Renewable Energy Shifting Strategies Through Policy, Social Awareness and Economic Model” and “Green Urban Systems and City Development.”
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia