
UPMA FTUI Organizes SPMI Strengthening Workshop to Improve the Quality of Study Programs Towards Excellence

The Academic Quality Assurance Unit (UPMA) of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a Workshop on Strengthening SPMI in the Framework of Accreditation of Superior Study Programs of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. The event, which took place on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, was attended by the UPMA team as well as three committees covering National Accreditation, International Accreditation, and Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) from seven departments at FTUI.

Also present were Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng., M.Sc., Vice Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA., Head of the Engineering Interdisciplinary Education and Research Unit, as well as the Heads and Secretaries of FTUI Departments.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc., Head of FTUI Academic Quality Assurance Unit said, “This activity is part of FTUI’s commitment in ensuring that each study program under the faculty always maintains and improves educational quality standards. With the strengthening of SPMI, it is hoped that FTUI can continue to provide the best learning experience for students and produce graduates who are competent and ready to face future challenges.”

This workshop presented Dr. Ir. Hisar Sirait, M.A. He is the Rector of the Kwik Kian Gie Institute of Business and Informatics and a member of the Quality Expert Team of the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDIKTI) 3 Jakarta. In addition, he is also actively involved as a facilitator at the SPMI Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

In his presentation, Dr. Sirait outlined four crucial points that became the focus of challenges for the Study Program Management Unit (UPPS) in various FTUI study programs. These points include increasing the international competitiveness of the tridharma of higher education, building a culture of quality through strengthening the implementation of SPMI, changing the paradigm in study program accreditation, and implementing MBKM (Self-Based Courses).

“Therefore, it is important for UPPS managers to prepare legal document evidence of the formation of internal quality assurance implementing elements, the availability of quality documents that include SPMI policies, manuals, standards, and forms, the implementation of quality assurance in accordance with higher education standards, and the implementation of Internal Quality Audit (AMI) with valid evidence,” said Dr. Sirait.

In addition, Dr. Sirait also discussed strategies to strengthen SPMI in achieving excellent study programs, including SPMI organization, SPMI policy documents, manuals, and standards, as well as implementation and evaluation processes. These strategies aim to create a comprehensive implementation plan, involve various stakeholders, and have an effective impact on improving FTUI’s academic quality.

Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, Dean of FTUI, stated that holding this workshop was FTUI’s strategic step in answering global challenges in the field of higher education. “With active and collaborative participation from all elements of the campus, a deep understanding of SPMI strengthening will be created. It is hoped that this workshop can have a major impact on improving the quality of education at FTUI, and bring a broader positive impact on the advancement of higher education in Indonesia,” said Prof. Heri.


Bureau of Public Communication
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia