
Five FTUI Undergraduate Study Programs was Awarded International Accreditation

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) has again proven the quality of its education by obtaining accreditation at the international level in 2022. Currently, 9 out of 13 FTUI undergraduate study programs have obtained IABEE accreditation.

“As of March 2022, five FTUI undergraduate study programs have won this recognition. This accreditation is a form of FTUI’s commitment in providing quality education to the Indonesian people,” said the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU.

The five undergraduate study programs are Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, and Shipping Engineering. The five study programs managed to get international accreditation from the Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE) after going through an assessment process which was held on October 25-27 2021.

Ayomi Dita Rarasati, ST, MT, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering said, “With this international accreditation IABEE has increased the accreditation of the Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Study Program to ‘Superior Accreditation’ after previously the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Study Program had achieved ‘Excellent Accreditation’ from BAN-PT. This IABEE international accreditation is valid until 2024.”

Head of the Computer Engineering Study Program, Dr. Ir. Muhammad Salman, ST, MIT., said that the IABEE international accreditation is one of the important milestones for the Computer Engineering Study Program. “Regarding the IABEE Accreditation, the Computer Engineering study program has gone through the entire series of processes well, from shortcoming sessions, evidence checking, interviews to interim visit activities to show that there are no more criteria that fall into the weakness category and have successfully met all IABEE criteria.”

Head of the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, FTUI, Dr. Deni Ferdian, S.T., M.Sc. said, “The achievement of IABEE accreditation is the achievement of the UI Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Study Program (PSTMM) which has student input that is strictly screened, qualified teaching staff, good educational facilities and infrastructure, good graduate performance in the world of work, research up-to-date to date, and other achievements become the “strength of the study program” in the IABEE accreditation process.”

Head of the Marine Engineering Study Program, Dr. Eng. Muhammad Arif Budiyanto, S.T., M.T. said, “With the achievement of IABEE international accreditation, it ensures that graduates of the FTUI Marine Engineering Study Program have competency standards that are in accordance with international standards in the Ocean Engineering discipline recognized by the Washington Accord.”

Dean Heri revealed that by receiving this accreditation, the quality of education that has been implemented in the five FTUI Undergraduate Study Programs is guaranteed by IABEE. “This accreditation also reflects that every student studying at FTUI has a background with quality education standards. This makes FTUI alumni have quality competencies and always learn in a relevant environment. That way, alumni are expected to be able to synergize in the world of work.”

IABEE is an independent non-profit organization established as part of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) to foster a culture of quality in the management of higher education in the fields of engineering and computing. The recognition given by IABEE fulfills four assessment points, namely orientation of graduate competencies, implementation of learning, assessment of expected learning outcomes, and continuous improvement.


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia