July 25, 2016


i-TREC (International-Tropical Renewable Energy Conference)

The i-TREC (International-Tropical Renewable Energy Conference) aims to bring scholars, researchers, students, governments, and professional-industries to present their works on renewable energy research and development. This event provides an excellent opportunity for all stakeholders to share their knowledge, experiences, and research findings with their colleagues and academic communities. Thus, the conference also serves for further advancement,...

FTUI Student Achievement in Oil Expo Trisakti 2016

On 2 June 2016, students of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia succeeded in winning two titles at once in the OIL EXPO 2016 competition held by Trisakti University. In this competition, IATMI SMUI and SPE UISC sent one team to compete in the Smart Competition and two teams to compete in the Oil Rig Design...

The Election of Head of Chemical Engineering Alumni Chapter 2016-2019

Dear TGP/TK’ers and all FTUI alumni, On 22 June 2016, the Head of Chemical Engineering Alumni Chapter 2016-2019 was elected through a Head of Chemical Engineering Alumni Chapter Decree and was witnessed by the Head of Universitas Indonesia Alumni. The election was attended by several of old and new management, ILUNI UI and FTUI management and other FTUI alumni and...

FTUI Doctoral Candidate Developed a Basic Dynamic Characteristic Model of Winding River

Dr. Dwinanti Rika Marthanty from Civil Engineering FTUI, presented her dissertation entitled “The Smoothed  Particle Hydrodynamics Method Development for Basic Dynamics Modeling Characteristic of Winding River” during her Doctoral Candidate Inauguration which took place on 15 June 2016 in the Cheveron Room, Dean’s Building FTUI. Acting as Head of Examiner Committee is the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dedi...

Workshop on Incubation Grant Business Model

The Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia is one faculty that has produced a number of researches. These researches have also been featured in many journals and conferences both nationally and internationally. However, these innovations are seldom realized in bigger scale or mass produced by the industry. The FTUI Business Incubator is aimed to develop the...

Scholarship for Training Program on Internal Quality Assurance (Train IQA) 2016-2018

DAAD is offering a scholarship for training program on Internal Quality Assurance (Train IQA) for 2016-2018. This training program will commence in five phase between November 2016 – March 2018 in Germany and South East Asia. Information on requirements and admission form can be downloaded through the following links: Annex1-Content_Online_Application Annex2-Letter_of_Commitment CfA_TrainIQA_2016-18 Application deadline       : 24...

29th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE 2016)

Final Abstract Submission date for SOMChE 2016 is 30th June 2016. SOMChE 2016 Call for Abstracts  The 2016 SOMChE Committee is pleased to announce that abstract submissions are now open and available via our website.http://www.curtin.edu.my/somche2016/ SOMChE 2016 will be held from 1st December to 3rd December at Miri Marriot Resort & Spa, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia...