December 6, 2018


Maltepe University 7th International Student Congress

MALTEPE UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CONGRESS ON NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGINEERING ICNTE 2019 Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Istanbul, TURKEY The 7th Maltepe University International Student Congress (ICNTE) in Istanbul, Turkey, between 8-9-10 May, 2019. Since 2013, ICNTE has brought students from around the world giving them the opportunity to express and share their research interests...

Call for paper – International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Technology (ICoSeMT2019), 29th & 30th April 2019, Penang, Malaysia

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (ICoSeMT 2019) We are pleased to announce that “International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Technology (ICoSeMT 2019)”, which is jointly organized by the Institute of Nano Optoelectronics Research and Technology (INOR), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Pulau Pinang and Collaborative...