March 13, 2019


Leeds International Summer School (LISS)

Are you looking for a short study abroad programme this summer? The early application deadline for Leeds International Summer School (LISS) is 1 April. LISS will run 6 July to 3 August 2019. If you are unable to attend for the full duration there is an opportunity to join the wider group for two weeks of...

National Chengchi University Global Governance Summer School (G2 S2)

The National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan are pleased to announce the program of International College of Innovation Global Governance Summer School (ICI G2S2) for international students from July 8 to August 16, 2019. In this program, NCCU provide Chinese learning as well as English-taught academic courses in the fields of global governance, Asian entrepreneurship and...

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Summer School 2019

International Summer School 2019 @ The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  It’s time for your students to explore Hong Kong and other Asian cities in coming Summer! PolyU International Summer School 2019 is now calling for application: Distinctive Features A mix of local and international experience with students from all over the world Diversified range of intellectually stimulating credit-bearing...

Nagaoka Summer School for Young Engineers (NASSYE) 2019

Nagaoka Summer School for Young Engineers (NASSYE) 2019, Jepang. Program ini dibuka untuk mahasiswa Sarjana tingkat 3. Nagaoka University akan menerima 20 mahasiswa untuk mengikuti program tersebut dan beasiswa tersedia bagi mahasiswa yang terpilih. Deadline pendaftaran dan pengumpulan berkas adalah 5 April 2019. Prosedur aplikasi dan detail informasi: http://www.nagaokaut.ac.jp/e/kokusai/nassye.html Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi pihak Sekretariat di...