December 15, 2022


FMF DTE FTUI Series 3: Deep Learning-based Classification of Humans and Animals Using mmwave Radar

DTE FTUI’s FMF activities were held again and entered Series 3. This week, DTE FTUI’s FMF presented speakers from the Data Engineering and Intelligent Systems Research Group (DEIS-RG) chaired by Prof. Dr. Drs. Benyamin Kusumoputro., M.Eng.

FMF DTE FTUI Seri 3: Deep Learning-based Classification of Humans and Animals Using mmwave Radar

Kegiatan FMF DTE FTUI kembali dilaksanakan dan memasuki Seri 3. Pekan ini, FMF DTE FTUI menghadirkan pemateri dari Data Engineering and Intelligent Systems Research Group (DEIS-RG) yang diketuai oleh Prof. Dr. Drs. Benyamin Kusumoputro., M.Eng.