Dear TGP/TK’ers and all FTUI alumni,
On 22 June 2016, the Head of Chemical Engineering Alumni Chapter 2016-2019 was elected through a Head of Chemical Engineering Alumni Chapter Decree and was witnessed by the Head of Universitas Indonesia Alumni.
The election was attended by several of old and new management, ILUNI UI and FTUI management and other FTUI alumni and was started with a break fasting and continued with sharing session from Brother Didit Ratam TGP’4 Chief Commercial Officer PT Energi Mega Persada with the theme of “Future Business Challenges”.
From the discussion, several important points were made, such as the declining of the global economy which effect Indonesia and several other challenges in the Oil and Gas World, such as: the derivation of crude oil price, new trend on Gas Price and the new Revision of Oil and Gas Law.
To anticipate the challenges which influence business in the future, the key words that needed special attention are:
– Capacity Building
– Increased Competitiveness
Several alumni in attendance also voiced their opinion on other challenges such as: the “upstream” statecraft and political life of the Indonesia as a nation, and alternative energy challenges in the next five years where Indonesia will import gas in the form of LNG.
The event continued with the report of activity from the Head of Chemical Engineering Alumni Chapter 2012-2016, the recitation of the the Head of Chemical Engineering Alumni Chapter Head of Alumni on the confirmation of the the Head of Chemical Engineering Alumni Chapter 2016-2019, the inauguration and welcome speech from the Head of Alumni Universitas Indonesia and other information (update on the health condition of our junior Putri TGP’13).
Finally, it is official that the the Head of Chemical Engineering Alumni Chapter is Al Mutasar Amir TGP’89 (hp. +62 821 11555589).
Congratulations to Al and all Management of Chemical Engineering Alumni Chapter 2016-2019.
Thank you to all UI Alumni, fellow FTUI Alumni and all members of the Chemical Engineering that has helped and supported us.
Let us support the new management by actively participating in all of their activities for the next years.
Ho hi ho ha ha
Teknik paling gaya
Ho hi ho ha ha
Teknik paling jaya
Former Management Alumni of Chemical Engineering
Mauren / Samsul / Bayu