Humas FTUI


Scholarship for Master’s/Doctoral Degree Program in Thailand (Engineering and Technology) 2/2015

Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand offers International Programs in Engineering, Technology, and management with 100 % of the courses using English as medium of instruction. Please find more information on www.siit.tu.ac.th We would like to introduce the Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students (EFS) which is a graduate scholarship for studying in...

Scholarship for Master’s/Doctoral Degree Program in Thailand (Engineering and Technology) 2/2015

Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand offers International Programs in Engineering, Technology, and management with 100 % of the courses using English as medium of instruction. Please find more information on www.siit.tu.ac.th We would like to introduce the Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students (EFS) which is a graduate scholarship for studying in the...

Invitation for Bazaar HUT & UKM FEB UI

Faculty of Economics and Business UI invites you all for Bazaar HUT & UKM FEB UI on 18 September 2015 as part of the FEB UI 65 years celebration.

Invitation for Indonesia’s Maritime Seminar

Well known as a maritime nation, Indonesia enjoys many benefit from other countries. However, these benefits are yet to be utilized to its full potential to improve the wellfare of our nation. It requires a deep understanding of the correct maritime management of the coastal areas potentials in Indonesia. This management should also be based...

Vacancy at PT. Pratama Nusantara Sakti

PT. Pratama Nusantara Sakti (under the same group as Djarum, Wings Group and Central Proteinaprima) is a sugar cane plantation company located in Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI), South Sumatera. They are currently looking for a Plantation Superintendent with the following qualification: – Graduate from Bachelor Degree in Plantation – Male – Have a minimum experience...
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