
Starborn Chemical Adds FTUI Smart Classroom Commitment

FTUI is getting closer to realizing the transformation of conventional classes into smart classes. On Thursday (15/09), Dr. Harris Susanto as the President Director representing PT Luas Birus Utama, signed the Smart Classroom commitment with the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU. One classroom in Building K or Building S will be converted into a Smart Classroom with this donation.

After signing the commitment, Dr. Harris Susanto delivered a general lecture on Kapita Selecta to the students of the Chemical Engineering Department, FTUI. This public lecture has the theme “Does Diet Form Healthy Leaders?”.

Dr. Harris Susanto conveyed in his lecture that the factory closest to us is our own body. “This stomach is a powerful bioreactor that is sometimes not properly managed. We are data, humans have 3 data, namely genetic data from our ancestors, historical information data and data from culture (socio-economic), all this data must be processed”.

In this lecture the topic of Leadership is the main discussion. Leadership is related to how we take care of the data in our bodies. Where we have to be a leader for our own body. Because in order to lead others, we must be able to lead our own body.

“Our brains are driven by our intestines or stomach, where the way we control our bodies is by maintaining a healthy diet and fasting. When we fast, we are actually leading our bodies, whereas if we are always dependent, for example, we always have to drink coffee in the morning or can’t give up consuming certain brands, then at that time we become followers for our bodies, “explained Dr. Harris.

As leaders, we must have connectivity, build collaboration, and trust. Good leadership wherever they lead, trying to minimize or not create liability in the future.

There are three leadership styles, namely, authoritarian, leadership management, and follower leadership. A leader must have a leadership management style, where a leader must be able to lead and manage things according to the context, because the real leader is the one who can create a trend or change.

The Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU at the end of his speech said, “If you want to progress, keep doing three things, first fill your head with knowledge, then fill your heart with good morals, and the second fill your heart with good character. Finally, fill your hands with strength, meaning that apart from having a healthy body, your body and soul must also be strong. So food is very instrumental in forming a strong body and soul. May you become a superior and impactful Engineer.”


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia