
‘DATA’19 II. Interdisciplinary Medical Research Congress

‘DATA’19 II. Interdisciplinary Medical Research Congress‘ held on 14-16th June,2019 at Karabük University in Turkey. The committee would like to invite those interested to participate as an audience as well as an oral presenter.

It is dedicated to academics, practitioners, researchers and PhD students in the field of medicine, medical engineering, bio medical engineering and health sciences. Our main objective is not only to provide scientific discussion but also to promote interdisciplinary research and projects.

The reports presented in the symposium will be classified in two categories. The abstract reports will be published in Congress Abstract Report Book, and all text reports will be published in Congress All Text Book, available online only. Also the choosen all text reports will be published as national or international book chapter.

The deadline for the abstract reports is 10 May and for the all text reports 31 May, 2019. Abstract book will be handed at 7 June 2019, during precision registration. For abstract use the link: http://data19.karabuk.edu.tr/en/homepage-3/


Correspondence regarding the conference and submission of papers should be addressed to: