
European Research Day Jakarta

EURAXESS ASEAN is a European Union funded initiative supporting researcher mobility and research cooperation between Europe and Southeast Asia would like to invite you to participate in the *European Research Day* being organised next month by EURAXESS ASEAN, the EU Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, the Southeast Asia Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni Association, and the Indonesia Young Academy of Sciences (ALMI). This event will take place in *Jakarta at the National Library on 6 May 2019.*

The morning session of the event will include presentations by representatives of leading research organisations and funding agencies from across Europe about the variety of fellowship and mobility schemes open to researchers in Indonesia.  The afternoon session will focus on skills development in research proposal preparation and project management.

The event is targeting doctoral candidates, post-doctoral researchers and established researchers of all disciplines and all nationalities, as well as representatives of university research offices and international relations offices. Here is the first event announcement https://mailchi.mp/3b29fccd4e5a/invitation-european-research-day-jakarta-6-may

For further information, please contact:
Simon Grimley
Regional Representative
Portal <https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/worldwide/asean>
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/EURAXESS.LINKS.ASEAN/>