
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia Collaborates with Smartfren in Technopreneur Spark 2024

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) organized Technopreneur Spark aimed at providing entrepreneurship education/workshops based on technology to its students. Starting Technopreneur Spark in 2024, FTUI partnered with Smartfren Telecom to conduct a workshop with the theme “KPI & Goals” held on Monday, April 1, 2024.

Dr. Muhamad Sahlan, Head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Unit at FTUI, stated in his remarks, “Technopreneur Spark aims to provide early preparation to students to have an entrepreneurial spirit based on technology. This entrepreneurial spirit is important, not only for those who will become entrepreneurs but also for those who will become professionals/employees. Because the essence of entrepreneurship spirit is focusing on innovation, seeking solutions, and opening opportunities. Therefore, on this occasion, we express our gratitude to Smartfren Telecom for their cooperation, and hope to continue collaborating in the future.”

“The collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, and Smartfren Telecom in this year’s Technopreneur Spark event is an important step in enriching the learning experiences of our students. We believe that through technology-based entrepreneurship education, we can help create a generation ready to face future challenges with creativity and innovation,” said Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, Dean of FTUI.

The speaker from Smartfren in this workshop was Dr. Dani Miftahul Akhyar, Head of Community Development & Public Relations at Smartfren Telecom, who also has experience in establishing two start-ups in the last 5 years. The material delivery was interactive, participants were divided into 6 groups, each tasked with designing a start-up, starting from discussing business ideas, determining the company’s vision, mission, and values, strategies, to learning to determine goals and key performance indicators (KPIs).

In this opportunity, Smartfren also provided free SIM cards to attending students. Dani stated that these cards could be considered as ‘capital’ for entrepreneurial learning, the key to accessing fast internet within the strong signal network of Smartfren 4G LTE. “And we are ready to support FTUI’s Technopreneur Spark program sustainably in the future,” Dani said in his closing remarks.


Office of Public Communication
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia