Since three years ago, the Electric Power Alumni Family (KAGATRIK FTUI) has routinely handed over Ramadhan Packages from the Gartriker every time before the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.This year, the first batch of Ramadhan Package was distributed for FTUI Employees during the first week of Ramadhan (28/03). Last Monday, April 26, 2022, Kagatrik once again gave basic food packages before Eid for FTUI employees, cleaning service, office boys, and security guards at the FTUI Depok and Salemba campus. The number of Ramadhan Packages received by the UI Faculty of Engineering is 350 packages, with details of 300 packages for the FTUI Depok campus and 50 packages for the FTUI Salemba campus.
In his remarks, Wing Prakarsa as the Secretary General of the FTUI Headquarters said that the FTUI Head of Department hopes that the Ramadhan Packages that have been received by a number of employees will be useful. “Representing the FTUI Electric Power Alumni Family, I also express my sincere and heartfelt apologies to all FTUI academics.”
“We are very grateful for the assistance of basic necessities for tendik and others ahead of this Eid. Hopefully, these basic necessities can make it easier to celebrate Eid later,” said Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar. M.Eng., M.Sc.
The event continued with the handing over of basic necessities from the Prakarsa Wing as the representative of the FTUI Kagatrik to Prof. Yanuar as a representative of FTUI. The event ended with a symbolic handover from Prof. Yanuar to the FTUI Tendik representative.
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia