
Lifting Products from 32 Provinces in Indonesia, DTK FTUI Holds Student Product Exhibition

The Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (DTK FTUI) is holding a Chemical Product Design Expo 2023 entitled Exploring Indonesia’s Diverse Commodities Potentials for MSME Development. This activity was an exhibition of products designed by students of the Chemical Engineering and Bioprocess Engineering study programs which took place in the Lobby of Building K, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia on (13/06/2023).

This exhibition is a form of Semester Final Examination (UAS) from the Product Design course which students must take in Semester 6 DTK FTUI. This activity aims to provide a real experience to students in introducing the products they have designed. 32 typical products from 32 provinces in Indonesia designed by students from the two study programs were displayed at this exhibition.

The exhibition was opened by the Coordinator of the Product Design Lecturer Team, Prof. Dr.-Ing., Misri Gozan, M.Tech., IPM. Also attended by several lecturers from this course, namely Dr.rer.nat Ir. Yusman Muharam, M.T., Prof. Ir. Dewi Tristantini, M.T., Ph.D., Rahma Muthia, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., Dr. Ibnu Maulana Hidayatullah, S.T., M.T., and Dr. Tania Surya Utami, S.T., M.T. Apart from the supporting lecturers, this student-designed product exhibition was also attended by practitioners from various industrial sectors, most of whom were alumni of DTK FTUI and acted as examiners.

“This exhibition is a class of 2020 product design course. One group designs a unique product from 32 regions, meaning there are 32 provinces. This is the subject most anticipated by students because they design products ranging from market needs, marketing, product concepts, formulations, production processes to economic analysis. They were tested by 16 examiners, most of whom came from DTK FTUI alumni. Alumni feel happy because there have been many improvements in the quality of the products designed. It is hoped that in the future students will have the courage to design products and create new businesses in Indonesia that are based on MSMEs and based on regional characteristics, and of course this can be beneficial,” said Prof. Misri Gozan.

The product exhibition took place with great fanfare. Testers and visitors seemed to want to know more about the products displayed at each group stand. At the end of the activity, an evaluation of this activity was held with lecturers and industry practitioners.

“The exhibition of products made by these students is expected to be able to encourage students to apply the knowledge of product design that they have acquired and are expected to be realized in the industrial world. This activity is also a form of realization of one of my leadership strategy programs, namely the development of entrepreneurship for students (Engineering Student Entrepreneur Program). said the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia