
World Telecommunication Day Seminar

The growth in the telecommunication industry in the world, including Indonesia, today has set a new highest record compared to other industries. The fast growth was caused by the high demand of effective and efficient communication unlimited by space and time across various life aspects and also fast growing innovative technology efforts. However, not everyone have fully understand the technology and science of telecommunication itself.

Universitas Indonesia as the number one university in Indonesia and ranked 79 in Asia according to Top 100 of the 2015 QS University Rankings for Asia played a major role in the advancement of telecommunication world in Indonesia. Unfortunately, a large number of our students still have not fully understand and comprehend the science of telecommunication. Thus to commemorate World Telecommunication Day, FTUI held the World Telecommunication Day Seminar which will introduce the world of telecommunication further to our students.

The World Telecommunication Day Seminar is a collaboration between the Telecommunication Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department FTUI and IEEE Student Branch Universitas Indonesia, and was held Friday, 20 May 2016 in the S Building FTUI. The World Telecommunication Day Seminar featured three speakers: Dr. Muhammad Suryanegara, Faculty Member/Researcher in the Universitas Indonesia, Mayendra Leaz,  CDN Solution Engineer PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International, and Hardyana Syintawati, Vice President Marketing and Communication Ericsson Indonesia

World Telecommunication Day Seminar were aimed to:

  1. Motivate and maximized the potential of knowledge for students, lecturers, and the public.
  2. Showe the existance of IEEE  Student  Branch  Universitas  Indonesia  and the Laboratory of  Telecommunication UI di national level.
  3. Enrich the knowledge in the telecommunication world.
  4. Celebrate the World Telecommunication Day. (DTE FTUI)