14.2.1 Fresh-water ecosystems (community outreach)
Offer educational programmes on fresh-water ecosystems (water irrigation practices, water management/conservation) for local or national communities
Five students from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) won 3rd place in the ACCESS Business Plan Competition in Renewable Energy (BPCRE) 2022. They developed a project in the environmentally friendly craft product business category. The product offered is called Jejaring Wangkolabu, which is a fishing net craft using plastic waste from the ocean in Wangkolabu Village. Plastic waste in the form of plastic bottles is processed by an extruder machine into plastic filaments which are then processed by the residents of Wangkolabu Village to become nets. The target market for this business is sea fishermen, PUD (Inland Public Water) fishermen, fish cultivators, and the general public in Indonesia with a Serviceable Available Market of 1.13 T rupiah. This business has various advantages, including implementing a blue economy through marine waste management, increasing the skills of local residents through empowerment, and creating new jobs so that it can increase the economic independence of residents.
Evidence Link :
FTUI Students Win the ACCESS Business Plan Competition in Renewable Energy
14.2.2 Sustainable fisheries (community outreach)
Offer educational programme or outreach for local or national communities on sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism
The Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), through the Naval Engineering Study Program, has entered into cooperation agreements with several partners, such as the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkomarves RI), PT ABC, and PT Radiant Utama Interinsco. This cooperation agreement was carried out in an effort to develop a project called 5GT Fishing Boat. The 5GT Fishing Vessel is a pilot project for the electrification of a 5GT fishing vessel using steel as the material. This prototype is the result of a 2021 Leading Higher Education Applied Research grant (PTUPT) and a 2022 P5 research grant. The aim of this project is to modernize the capture fishing vessel fleet. Apart from that, the 5GT Fishing Boat construction project will last for three months, starting from November 2022 to January 2023.
Evidence Link :
FTUI Strengthens Cooperation to Develop 5GT Fishing Vessel Projects
14.2.3 Overfishing (community outreach)
Offer educational outreach activities for local or national communities to raise awareness about overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices
14.3.1 Conservation and sustainable utilisation of the oceans (events)
Support or organise events aimed to promote conservation and sustainable utilisation of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and marine resources
14.3.2 Food from aquatic ecosystems (policies)
Have a policy to ensure that food on campus that comes from aquatic ecosystems is sustainably harvested
14.3.3 Maintain ecosystems and their biodiversity (direct work)
Work directly (research and/or engagement with industries) to maintain and extend existing ecosystems and their biodiversity, of both plants and animals, especially ecosystems under threat
14.3.4 Technologies towards aquatic ecosystem damage prevention (direct work)
Work directly (research and/or engagement with industries) on technologies or practices that enable marine industry to minimise or prevent damage to aquatic ecosystems
The Community Service Team of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) led by FTUI Electrical Engineering Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc, M.M introduced UI BlueMetric as an indicator for measuring the quality of Indonesian marine waters. For this reason, the FTUI Community Service team held UI BlueMetric outreach regarding the Dangers of Marine Pollution to the community in Banyu Biru Village, Labuan District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. Components measured in the UI BlueMetric assessment include biodiversity conditions (natural ecosystems), sea water quality standards, waste and human activities. BlueMetric’s UI measurements are monitored from a series of evaluation processes involving the community and government as policy makers.
Evidence Link :
14.4.1 Water discharge guidelines and standards
Have water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges (to uphold water quality in order to protect ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and welfare)
FTUI has water quality standards and water disposal guidelines listed in the I-Cell Book (page 46-50). The I-Cell Book is a guide that contains information about the I-Cell building and still applies today. The I-Cell Building is an Integrated Creative Engineering Learning Laboratory that provides smart building technology that strives for efficiency and environmental preservation. This book explains various types of standardization, measurements and programs related to environmental preservation.
Evidence Link :
14.4.2 Action plan to reducing plastic waste
Have an action plan in place to reduce plastic waste on campus
FTUI has an action plan to reduce plastic waste on campus by bringing Tumblr and providing a drinking water fountain. The program can be seen in sustainability report 2022 FTUI (page 46-49).
Evidence Link :
FTUI Sustainability Report 2022
14.4.3 Reducing marine pollution (policy)
Have a policy on preventing and reducing marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities
Rector UI has issued a decree Number 4 Year 2019 on Zero Plastic Program
14.5.1 Minimizing alteration of aquatic ecosystems (plan)
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has an environmental management plan to minimize physical, chemical, and biological alterations of related aquatic ecosystems. UI tries to manage any changes in the environment caused by the campus activities. These environmental management efforts are aimed at preventing and overcoming the decline in environmental quality caused by the UI Campus activities.
The University of Indonesia Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan is a study that has been and will be carried out in the operational activities of the UI Campus.
In Guidelines for the Management System of Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment at UI, there is a quality policy, one of it is to identify potential safety and environment hazards, risks and control them to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases, reducing the incidence rate, and minimizing environmental pollution, including aquatic ecosystems and compliance with national laws and regulations.
Evidence Link :
Minimizing alteration of aquatic ecosystems UI
14.5.2 Monitoring the health of aquatic ecosystems
Monitor the health of aquatic ecosystems
Universitas Indonesia conducts observation and evaluation of the on-campus aquatic ecosystems quality twice a year. The monitoring processes focus on the ecosystem in the six lakes located in Universitas Indonesia. This activity is intended to evaluate the level of success of the management efforts that have been carried out and as the basis for sustainable campus environmental management. The activities carried out are environmental quality measurement, supporting data collection, data analysis, and report preparation.
Evidence Link :
Monitoring the health of aquatic ecosystems UI
14.5.3 Programs towards good aquatic stewardship practices
Develop and support programmes and incentives that encourage and maintain good aquatic stewardship practices
Faculty of Engineering UI has an environmental management plan to minimize physical, chemical, and biological alterations of related aquatic ecosystems. FTUI tries to manage any changes in the environment caused by the campus activities, one of the environmental management is applied to the i-CELL building. I-CELL has water treatment flow for Rainwater and Chemical Waste.
Evidence Link :
Aquatic Ecosystems on i-CELL FTUI Building
14.5.4 Collaboration for shared aquatic ecosystems
Collaborate with the local community in efforts to maintain shared aquatic ecosystems
14.5.5 Watershed management strategy
Have implemented a watershed management strategy based on location specific diversity of aquatic species