Monday, May 30, 2022, Committee II DPD RI in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia held a Seminar on the Validity Test of the Draft Law (RUU) regarding Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2007 concerning Energy.
The Super Mileage Vehicle Team of the Universitas Indonesia (UI-SMV) recorded an achievement in the Shell Eco-Marathon Autonomous Programming Competition 2022.
Dhifan Kemal Akbar, an FTUI student from the 2019 Mechanical Engineering study program, won 1st place in the Outstanding Student at the Universitas Indonesia.
Thursday, June 2, 2022, for the second time, the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia under the Education Modernization and Internationalization Unit has held a Hybrid Talk Show & Open House FTUI International Class Program.
Three students of the 2018 FTUI Architecture Department, namely Nada Yosehara, Abraham Chintianto, and Raisa Alda H. redesigned a village called Kampung Batik Palbatu.
Thursday, (12-05-2022) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia held Technical Guidance Training (BimTek) for Making MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) for Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia from various study programs.
Last Thursday (24/3), DPKHA UI held a Coordination Meeting for the Utilization of Linkedin. In this meeting Ronny Supardi was presented as a speaker to convey the benefits of Linkedin for UI academics.