
UI Electric Bus Becomes the First Electric Vehicle to Operate on the Transjakarta Line

Universitas Indonesia (UI) Electric Bus will be the first electric vehicle to be operated on the Jakarta Transportation (Transjakarta) route. On Friday (22/07), a cooperation agreement was signed between PT Mobil Anak Bangsa (MAB) as the manufacturer of the UI Electric Bus and PT Transjakarta at JIEXPO, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. This signing was carried out at the PERIKLINDO Electric Vehicle Show (PEVS) special electric vehicle exhibition where the UI Electric Bus was also exhibited during the exhibition period on 22-31 July 2022.

Also present at the signing were the Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), General TNI (Ret.) Dr. H. Moeldoko, S.I.P.; The Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Transportation Agency (Kadishub), Dr. Syafrin Liputo; President Commissioner of PT Transjakarta, Sudirman Said, S.E., M.B.A.; President Director of PT Transjakarta, M. Yana Aditya; President Director of PT MAB, Kelik Irwantono; Technical Director of PT MAB, Bambang Tri Soepandji; and the UI Electric Bus team.

According to, Dr. Moeldoko, the innovation of the nation’s children is expected to be able to replace the role of public transportation that is not environmentally friendly. “Hopefully the existence of the UI Electric Bus can be realized evenly, especially on the outskirts of the capital city of Jakarta, where the pollution level is extraordinary due to the density of vehicles that are not environmentally friendly,” he said.

Also present at the signing, the Head of the Research Center for Advanced Vehicle, Faculty of Engineering UI, Dr. Ir. Feri Yusivar, M.Eng. Representing the UI Electric Bus research team, Dr. Feri recounted the challenges in making the UI Electric Bus, “One of the big challenges is when members of the UI Electric Bus Research Team who are master and doctoral students have graduated from campus. We had to find a new replacement team member and guide from the start. However, I am grateful that all these challenges can be handled well.”

The UI Electric Bus MD12E NF type was tested with a capacity of 48 passengers. With a battery power of 315.85 kWh, the UI Electric Bus is able to cover a distance of 250 km by only requiring a battery charge of 1.5–2 hours.

The UI Electric Bus will be piloted on the Transjakarta route for three months, from August 1 to the end of October 2022 on the Dukuh Atas 2–Ragunan route (Corridor 6). This trial is also the first local electric bus trial to be paved on the Transjakarta route. The electric bus will serve customers in the corridor or bus rapid transit (BRT) at 05.00–22.00 WIB with a ticket price of IDR 3,500.

Referring to Presidential Regulation no. 55 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program for Road transportation, and in line with the government’s goal of “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” at the G20 and government policies that encourage the automotive industry to move towards the era of electrification through the Low Roadmap. Carbon Emission Vehicle (LCEV), PEVS aims to contribute to increasing knowledge about BEV in the community. In addition, the exhibition is the best place for all domestic products related to Indonesian electric vehicles. PEVS 2022 is expected to support various programs launched by the government, one of which focuses on zero carbon emissions by 2060.


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia