
Lecture on Engineering Code of Ethics by Ir. Zulkarnain Tje’Mat, IPU

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), held a Public Lecture on the Engineering Code of Ethics in the Professional Engineer Program on Saturday, March 9, 2024, in Room 201A, FTUI Salemba Campus. The lecture featured guest speaker Ir. Zulkarnain Tje’Mat, IPU, and was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Fitri Yuli Zulkifli, S.T., M.Sc., IPU, along with 24 students from the Professional Engineer Program, 15 from the regular program, and 9 from the RPL program.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Fitri Yuli Zulkifli, S.T., M.Sc., IPU, Head of the Professional Engineer Program, delivered her opening remarks before the lecture commenced. “Since the RPL program was opened, the Professional Engineer Program has organized enrichment classes consisting of 4 public lectures in 1 semester. And this month, a lecture on the Engineering Code of Ethics is being held, following last month’s inaugural lecture, and followed by lectures on K3L and Professionalism in the next 2 months.”

The lecture material was presented by Ir. Zulkarnain, who is a Senior Technical Staff at APPI (Indonesian Fertilizer Producers Association). Ir. Zulkarnain explained the topic of the Engineering Code of Ethics. In his presentation, he elaborated on the basic principles that engineers must adhere to, such as prioritizing noble behavior, practicing only within their competence, being objective and honest, avoiding deceptive behavior, and behaving responsibly.

“Engineering practice requires honesty, impartiality, reasonableness, equality, and justice. Therefore, engineers must adhere to ethical behavioral principles and the highest standards of integrity, as outlined in the Engineering Code of Ethics,” said Ir. Zulkarnain.

He also explained the importance of maintaining an ethical work environment. “Several factors influencing the work environment include work climate, culture, senior executives, and perceived management values, which are the best predictors of how employees handle moral dilemmas.”

In a separate occasion, FTUI Dean, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, stated, “This Lecture on the Engineering Code of Ethics is expected to shape students into honest, integrity-driven engineers who uphold equality and justice. Hopefully, these future engineers of FTUI can develop their abilities and contribute maximally to the development of industries in the future.”


Office of Public Communication
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia